Lisa is on the mission to credit-educate everyone like you. This exclusive 1:1 program is just the result of it a labour of Lisa love towards credit coaching.

Know about finances, look after your credit and grow your financial wealth. Come learn with us.

Credit fixing and growing as well as fixing your finances does not end when you hire someone to help you. It is an ever-evolving process.

Just admit it, your life and your credit is much better when you know ins and outs of your credit score. There are countless benefits that come with it. But here are just a few that would make the biggest difference.

You can’t do all this if you don’t make efforts to educate yourself. You need the right mentor, time and a whole lot of effort to put in. 

But that’s alright all your credit problems were solved when you came here and met Lisa and Owens Financial Consulting. 

We have a unique credit coaching program, just for you!

It is a special 5-week program where you will learn A-Z of credit building, including:

Wait… that’s not it

You learn all these with not just anyone but our expert founder Lisa.


A 16-year-old Sarah is has boosted her Credit IQ in the last 5 months. Now, even as a teenager, she is ready to help adults around her to manage their credit scores.

“I was just in junior year l when I heard my mom talking about credit building and its importance. Upon doing some research, I found out credit building and management is essential life skill. Yet, we are not taught in school. When I spoke to my friends about it, they were not aware of it and said that it was something only our parents should be concerned about. But I was sure, I wanted to learn about credit scores and know more about financial health and stability. I reached out to Owen’s Financial Consulting and enrolled in a 1:1 credit coaching course with Lisa. Today, I can help adults around me to build and manage credit scores. Take it from me- A 16-Year-Old teenager- There’s no right or wrong age to start learning about credit. The sooner are able to understand it, the better it is for our future, finances and nation.”


Lisa is otherwise busy helping her clients build a reputable credit score and teaching credit management to single women, single moms and people from the marginalized community. 

On weeks, she works with schools in her community. There, she teaches children the importance of credit and the ways to manage it. So, when they grow up, they don’t face the problems that we do now. 

With so much purposeful work, she literally creates magic for her mentees. 

So, it really is a big deal to book your credit coaching slots with her. 

Usually, Lisa gives 1:1 credit coaching to 5 people at a time. Most often, these slots get full the same day she opens up. And not to mention the long waiting list to get into these programs.

So, you really are lucky if you get your slots booked on the first go. So go ahead…Book your credit coaching slots NOW.



(Monthly Payment Package)




(One-time Intensive Package)

Discounted Price $120.00 (monthly)


Want To Know How We Work On Improving Your Credit Score?

There’s a lot that goes into the process of credit improvement. And it is obvious that you would want to take a sneak peek of it. So here’s how we work on your credit score-

In-depth Analysis

During this initial consultation, we will explore your current financial goals and identify your credit repair needs. Here we will explore the best way to fix and grow your credit score.

 We will explain to you how to use our online tools to ensure you receive the full benefits of our offers. 

After the onboarding process, we will review your credit reports to identify inaccurate information that needs to be disputed and removed. Our goal is to go through the credit report line-by-line and handle every error with proper attention

During this step, we contact credit bureaus and start the dispute process on your behalf. Using our experience, we fight to ensure every false piece of information is removed from your report. We will work with each credit bureau to make sure your credit report is accurate across the board.

The last step is the most fun: You sit back and watch your credit score improve! 

Our online tracking tools help you see error-free reports. 

Our online tools allow us to monitor your credit score and ensure complete accuracy. 

So, you make wise decisions for a positive influence on your credit. 

Walking you through the dispute process is only the first part of our process. 

We want to stay by your side to make sure your credit is built strong going forward.

Looking for the best time to sort your credit scores? How about today?